Lives Cut Short By Gun Violence

Floor Speech

Date: Feb. 6, 2019
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Guns


Ms. HOULAHAN. Madam Speaker, I rise for Rodney and Michelle Roberson and their daughter Bianca, who was fatally shot in a road rage incident in June of 2017.

Bianca had recently graduated from Rustin High School in Chester County, in my district. She was coming back from a pre-college shopping trip when she found herself in an encounter with someone who tried passing her in a merge lane and then, in a horrific act, pulled out a loaded firearm and fired a single, fatal shot at Bianca.

Bianca was a beautiful and smart young lady who was, tragically, taken from us too soon because of senseless gun violence.

I rise for the 1,635 other Pennsylvanians whose lives were cut short in 2017 because of gun violence. I am a third-generation veteran, and I support responsible gun ownership. And, like many in my community, I support commonsense safety measures that Congress should act on to curtail gun violence in our communities.

We must act now.

